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Account Creation & Setup

All Alvernia students, faculty, and staff are eligible for creating a free RefWorks account. To get started, follow the steps below.

  1. Go to Login to Your RefWorks Account (linked below).

  2. Select "No Account? Sign Up Here".

  3. Create an account. You must use your email address to access RefWorks.

    • Note - your password does not have to match that of your Alvernia login. Just your email.

Once your account is created, you will be able to access RefWorks from on or off-campus by using the Login Name and Password you created. This account will remain active as long as you are enrolled as a student at the university.

Off-campus Account Creation

If you follow the steps above while off-campus, you may be asked for a group code during the account creation setup. This should not be needed as long as you use your email address for your RefWorks account. If this happens, reach out to a librarian using the Getting Help page.

RefWorks Instructions & Documentation

RefWorks provides extensive documentation for Alvernia students and other users.

This PDF can help you get started. Video and written tutorials are also available. If you have additional questions, ask a librarian!