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Importing References

Once you have your RefWorks account setup, you can begin importing references from the library's databases into your RefWorks library. Click through the tabs of the box below to learn about how to import references from different databases.

Importing from EBSCO Databases

The majority of databases available at Alvernia are EBSCO databases. The way you can tell if you're searching an EBSCO platform is if it has the search interface pictured below:

*Note - depending on the EBSCO database you're in, there will be a different title listed after 'Searching:'. In the screenshot above, the user is in CINAHL, one of many EBSCO platforms.

You can choose to either save articles one by one straight from their information page (accessed by selecting the article's title from your search results), or you can save multiple articles to bulk import several articles at once. Instructions for both routes are outlined below.

Saving Articles One at a Time
  1. From the article's bibliography page, in the upper right-hand corner, select the 'Cite' icon.

  2. Select 'Export Citation' followed by 'Export to RefWorks'.

  3. You will be taken right to RefWorks' import page from here. If you have a folder you want to assign the article to, select it from the dropdown.

  4. Select "Import".


Bulk Import of Multiple Articles
  1. From the search results page, for any articles that you want to save to your RefWorks library, select the checkbox to the left of the article title/info.

  2. Once you have selected the checkboxes for the articles you want, select the 'Cite' icon at the top of the search results.

  3. Select 'Export Citation' followed by 'Export to RefWorks'.

  4. You will be taken right to RefWorks' import page from here. If you have a folder you want to assign the article to, select it from the dropdown.

  5. Select "Import".

Importing from ProQuest Databases

ProQuest Databases include:

  • Dissertations & Theses - ProQuest

  • Education Journals - ProQuest

  • ProQuest One Literature

Importing a reference from any of these three databases follows the same process.

  1. You can choose to either select individual articles for importing to RefWorks or more than one at a time using the checkboxes function to the left of your search results.

  2. After selecting the checkboxes for articles you want to save, select the 'Cite' button at the top of the search results page.

  3. Under 'Export to a Citation Manager or File', select 'RefWorks'.

  4. Make sure the 'Output To' dropdown menu says 'RefWorks', then select 'Continue'.

  5. You will be taken right to RefWorks' import page from here. If you have a folder you want to assign the article to, select it from the dropdown.

  6. Select "Import".

Importing from BioMed Central (BMC)

When on an article's page in BioMed Central that you want to save to your library:

  1. Select "Cite this Article" (with the citation information at the top of the page).

  2. Select 'Download Citation'. This will download the citation information as an RIS file.

  3. Go to RefWorks and select 'Add' > 'Import Reference'.

  4. Select the RIS file from your computer that was just downloaded followed by "Open"

  5. If you have a folder you want the article to be imported into, select it.

  6. Select "Import"

Importing from Cochrane Library

When on an article's page in Cochrane Library that you want to save to your library:

  1. Select "Cite This Review" (to the right of the article's text).

  2. Under "Save Citation To", select "RefWorks".

  3. You will be taken right to RefWorks' import page from here. If you have a folder you want to assign the article to, select it from the dropdown.

  4. Select "Import".

Importing from Digital Commons Network

Unfortunately, Digital Commons Network does not have a shortcut that allows you to export an article's citation information directly into RefWorks. Instead, you will need to follow the steps below to create a reference manually.

  1. In RefWorks, select 'Add' > 'Create a Reference Manually'.

  2. Using the citation information provided on the article's page in Digital Commons Network, copy and paste the corresponding information into the RefWorks entry fields.

  3. Once you have pasted all of the necessary information, select 'Save'.

Importing from Google Scholar

When on the search results page in Google Scholar:

  1. Select the 'Cite' button under the listing of the article you want to save.

  2. At the bottom of the Cite menu, select 'RefWorks'.

  3. You will be taken right to RefWorks' import page from here. If you have a folder you want to assign the article to, select it from the dropdown.

  4. Select "Import".

Importing from JAMA Network: Open

When on an article's page in JAMA Network that you want to save to your library:

  1. Select "Cite This" (above the article's heading).

  2. Under "Manage Citations", select "RefWorks".

  3. This will download a .txt file with the citation information - you will next need to upload the citation info into your RefWorks library.

  4. Go to RefWorks and select "Add" > "Import References"

  5. Select the .txt file from your computer that was just downloaded followed by "Open"

  6. If you have a folder you want the article to be imported into, select it.

  7. Select "Import"

Importing from JBI - Ovid

Unfortunately, Ovid does not have a shortcut that allows you to export an article's citation information directly into RefWorks. Instead, you will need to follow the steps below to create a reference manually.

  1. In RefWorks, select 'Add' > 'Create a Reference Manually'.

  2. Using the citation information provided on the article's page in JBI - Ovid, copy and paste the corresponding information into the RefWorks entry fields.

  3. Once you have pasted all of the necessary information, select 'Save'.

Importing from JSTOR

When on an article's page in JSTOR that you want to save to your library:

  1. Select the 'Cite' button in the top right corner, above the article's PDF.

  2. At the bottom of the 'Cite This Item' menu, select 'Export to RefWorks'.

  3. You will be taken right to RefWorks' import page from here. If you have a folder you want to assign the article to, select it from the dropdown.

  4. Select "Import".

Importing from NewsBank Databases

NewsBank Databases include:

  • Black Life in America

  • Hispanic Life in America

  • NewsBank: Access World News

Importing a reference from any of these three databases follows the same process.

  1. On the article's information page, select the "Cite" button along the top of the screen (pictured below).

  2. Under "Export Citation", select "RefWorks".

  3. You will be taken right to RefWorks' import page from here. If you have a folder you want to assign the article to, select it from the dropdown.

  4. Select "Import".

Importing from Nexis Uni

Unfortunately, Nexis Uni does not have a shortcut that allows you to export an article's citation information directly into RefWorks. Instead, you will need to follow the steps below to create a reference manually.

  1. In RefWorks, select 'Add' > 'Create a Reference Manually'.

  2. Using the citation information provided on the article's page in Nexis Uni, copy and paste the corresponding information into the RefWorks entry fields.

  3. Once you have pasted all of the necessary information, select 'Save'.

Importing from PubMed

You can import multiple results at once in PubMed from the search results panel, if there are more than 1 article you want to add to your library at one time. To do this...

  1. Select 'Save' at the top of your search results window.

    • Here you can opt for what articles you wish to save - you can choose one of the following:

      • Save a Selection (using the checkboxes to the left of each search result to opt for which articles)

      • Save all on this page (10 results is the default, but this can be changed using 'Display Options').

      • Save all search results

  2. For the file format, select 'PubMed'.

  3. This will download a .txt file to your computer.

  4. In RefWorks, select 'Add' > 'Import References'.

  5. Select the .txt file from your computer that was just downloaded followed by "Open"

  6. If you have a folder you want the article to be imported into, select it.

  7. Select "Import"

Importing from Springer Open

When on an article's page in Springer Open that you want to save to your library:

  1. Select "Cite this Article" (with the citation information at the top of the page).

  2. Select 'Download Citation'. This will download the citation information as an RIS file.

  3. Go to RefWorks and select 'Add' > 'Import Reference'.

  4. Select the RIS file from your computer that was just downloaded followed by "Open"

  5. If you have a folder you want the article to be imported into, select it.

  6. Select "Import"