One of the coolest things RefWorks can do for you is, once you've saved all of the works you want to cite for your project, you can use RefWorks to create a bibliography for you!
To do this...
Go to the corresponding folder for the given project or class and select 'Create Bibliography' from the top bar in RefWorks
You can also opt to create a bibliography from your 'All References' page - but if you use RefWorks for multiple classes or projects at once and haven't organized your references accordingly, BE WARNED - all of your references will be jumbled together from different classes!
Select the dropdown to search for the citation style you'd like to format with.
The default option is APA 7th Edition - but RefWorks has over 6000 citation styles they can format with!
Note - REFWORKS IS NOT PERFECT! This is a way of making things go a bit quicker, but you should still double check the citations to make sure they're accurate. If there's incomplete information or incorrect information in the RefWorks entry, the citation will not be accurately formatted.
You can compare the citations to the library's Citations Guide!
Once you've created the bibliography and double-checked your citations, select 'Copy to Clipboard' and paste the bibliography into your paper (works with Google Docs and Word).