ATTRA - Sustainable Agriculture (Opens in New Tab)This site has "the latest information on sustainable agriculture practices, innovation, alternative crop and livestock enterprises, and of course, organic certification." (ISP)
The Core Historical Literature of Agriculture (Opens in New Tab)This highly valuable research Website provides "a core electronic collection of agricultural texts published between the early nineteenth century and the middle to late twentieth century." (ISP)
EurekAlert (Opens in New Tab)An online news service "where research institutions, universities, government agencies, corporations and the like can distribute science-related news to reporters and news media." Searchable, and browsable by subject (Agriculture, Archaeology, Chemistry, and more). (LII)
National Academies Press (Opens in New Tab)The NAP publishes more than 200 books a year... providing authoritative, independently-researched information on important matters in science and health policy.
SciCentral (Opens in New Tab)A directory of links to "today's breaking science news." Browsable by topic, including biosciences, health sciences, physics, chemistry, earth and space, and engineering. Also includes links to related journals, databases, job opportunities, and conferences. (LII) (Opens in New Tab) searches over 60 databases and over 2,200 scientific websites to provide users with access to more than 200 million pages of authoritative federal science information including research and development results.
SEARCH - National Agricultural Library (Opens in New Tab)In addition to the National Agricultural Library (NAL) catalog, this site contains a database of citations from "journal articles, book chapters, short reports, and reprints." Covers "all aspects of agriculture and allied disciplines". (LII)
UC Museum of Paleontology (Opens in New Tab)This site contains online exhibits on phylogeny, geologic time, and evolutionary thought; resources for students (K-12) and teachers; and information on UCMP's collection of fossils, "printed material, images, and memorabilia." Searchable. (LII)
Biology Websites
Biological Control: A Guide to Natural Enemies in North America (Opens in New Tab)This integrated pest management resource discusses the characteristics of and dynamics between natural agents and the pests they attack. The basic organizing principle is that of four biological control agents: predators, parasitoids, pathogens, and weed feeders. Each has its own section, including an introduction and table of contents leading to discussions of respective organisms within that category. (Choice Reviews Online)
Department of Energy - Genomes (Opens in New Tab)This searchable site provides information and history for this project which will "identify all the 100,000 genes in human DNA." The project and this Web site also address related issues including cloning, genetic testing, medical applications, and ethnical, legal, and social issues. (LII)
DNA Interactive (Opens in New Tab)This Web site provides a host of interactive exhibits and background material about DNA, the human genome project, and the various applications that are gleaned through an intimate and detailed knowledge of human DNA. (ISP)
Ecology: Knowledge Project (Opens in New Tab)"The Knowledge Project is an effort to work with the scientific community to build a reliable, state of the art, open access library of peer reviewed educational articles accessible to college and high school students. Each article is written by experts in their field and peer reviewed by other experts prior to posting."
Encyclopedia of Life (Opens in New Tab)"The EOL dynamically synthesizes biodiversity knowledge about all known species, including their taxonomy, geographic distribution, collections, genetics, evolutionary history, morphology, behavior, ecological relationships, and importance for human well being..."
Environmental Ethics - Knowledge Project (Opens in New Tab)"What responsibilities do we have to wild species and ecosystems — and to present and future generations of humans dependent on critical ecological services? How does the recognition of rapid, global environmental change challenge our traditional understandings of these obligations? What does it mean to be "sustainable" and why do many believe that achieving sustainability is an ethical imperative for science and society in this century? These questions, and others like them, are explored in this series."
Genetics - MedlinePlus (Opens in New Tab)Genetics Home Reference (GHR) is a top-notch consumer-oriented online resource from the National Library of Medicine (NLM). A handbook provides a primer for genetics with basic explanations of key terms and concepts pertinent to genes and chromosomes, their function in humans, and related disorders/diseases. (
iBiology (Opens in New Tab)"...accurate contemporary biological information and accounts of up-to-date, cutting-edge developments using simple-to-understand language, reported by scientists and edited by science writers. (
Map of Life - Species Map (Opens in New Tab)The Map of Life assembles and integrates different sources of data describing species distributions worldwide. These data include expert species range maps, species occurrence points, ecoregions, and protected areas from providers like IUCN, WWF, GBIF, and more.
Medical Biochemistry Page (Opens in New Tab)"This online textbook thoroughly presents many aspects of biochemistry, with an emphasis on clinical medicine; it features straightforward text and high-quality illustrations. The home page acts as a table of contents with 53 links to chapters on topics like Diabetes Type 1 and Type 2; the Cell Cycle....." (Choice)
National Human Genome Research Institute (Opens in New Tab)This site from a National Institutes of Health affiliate provides information on genetics, inherited disease research, genetics and rare diseases, online resources, and the ethical, legal, and social issues related to genetic research. (LII)
Scitable (Opens in New Tab)"Scitable is a free science library and personal learning tool brought to you by Nature Publishing Group. Scitable currently concentrates on genetics and cell biology, which include the topics of evolution, gene expression, and the rich complexity of cellular processes shared by living organisms".
Strategian (Opens in New Tab)"The strategic guide to quality information in biology, chemistry, computer science, mathematics, medicine, physics, and psychology."
Chemistry Websites
Binding DB (Opens in New Tab)The first public molecular recognition database, BindingDB supports research, education and practice in drug discovery, pharmacology and related fields.
ChemExper (Opens in New Tab)Find chemicals in the Chemexper Chemical Directory. Can search by text or by compound structure.
Common Chemistry - CAS (Opens in New Tab)CAS Common Chemistry is an open community resource for accessing chemical information. Nearly 500,000 chemical substances from CAS REGISTRY® cover areas of community interest, including common and frequently regulated chemicals, and those relevant to high school and undergraduate chemistry classes.
ENZYME - Enzyme Nomenclature Database (Opens in New Tab)ENZYME is a repository of information relative to the nomenclature of enzymes. It is primarily based on the recommendations of the Nomenclature Committee of the International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (IUBMB) and it describes each type of characterized enzyme for which an EC (Enzyme Commission) number has been provided.
GenBank - NIH (Opens in New Tab)GenBank ® is the NIH genetic sequence database, an annotated collection of all publicly available DNA sequences (Nucleic Acids Research, 2013 Jan;41(D1):D36-42). GenBank is part of the International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration, which comprises the DNA DataBank of Japan (DDBJ), the European Nucleotide Archive (ENA), and GenBank at NCBI. These three organizations exchange data on a daily basis.
Green Chemistry Institute (Opens in New Tab)" The purpose of their website is to promote green chemistry and green engineering principles, primarily to researchers, people working in industry, teachers, and students." (Choice)
IUPAC-NIST Solubility Database (Opens in New Tab)A database containing solubilities originally published in the IUPAC (International Union for Pure and Applied Chemistry) - NIST Solubility Data Series is now available online.
NIST Chemistry WebBook (Opens in New Tab)For information on thermodynamic data for over 5,000 chemical compounds and on ion-energetics data for over 10,000 chemical compounds, NIST's Chemistry WebBook is available for searching. Compounds can be searched by name, chemical formula, or CAS (Chemical Abstracts Service) registry number. (ISP)
Organic Chemistry Portal (Opens in New Tab)The Organic Chemistry Portal offers an overview of recent topics, interesting reactions, and information on important chemicals for organic chemists.
Periodic Table - PTable (Opens in New Tab)An interactive online periodic table that easily shows elements as categorized by physical characteristics, chemical characteristics, freezing point, boiling point, melting point, and more.
Protein Data Bank - PDB (Opens in New Tab)RCSB Protein Data Bank (RCSB PDB) enables breakthroughs in science and education by providing access and tools for exploration, visualization, and analysis of experimentally-determined 3D structures from the Protein Data Bank (PDB) archive and Computed Structure Models (CSM) from AlphaFold DB and ModelArchive.
SynArchive (Opens in New Tab)SynArchive is a free web based application that allows you to browse a growing database of organic syntheses. Unlike most chemical synthesis shown on the web, the sequence of reactions is clear, precise and unambiguous.
Wired Chemist (Opens in New Tab)Tutorials and discussion on chemistry, environmental laboratory projects, as well as information on mineralogy and NMR. Links to educational resources also included.
Physics Websites
Earth and Moon Viewer (Opens in New Tab)You can view either a map of the Earth showing the day and night regions at this moment or view the Earth from the Sun, the Moon, the night side of the Earth, above any location on the planet specified by latitude, longitude and altitude, from a satellite in Earth orbit, or above various cities around the globe. In addition, you can view the Moon from Sun, Earth, night side, above formations on the Moon, and as a map
Einstein Light (Opens in New Tab)Companion website to a Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) Nova program about "the story behind the world's most famous equation": energy equals mass times the speed of light squared (E = mc²). The site features an essay explaining this 1905 equation that "says that energy and mass (matter) are interchangeable," information about scientists whose experiments paved the way for Albert Einstein, an audio clip of Einstein explaining the equation, links to related sites, materials for library activities, and much more. (LII)
HyperPhysics (Opens in New Tab)Written in HTML with Javascript calculation routines." An excellent resource for physics educators and students, HyperPhysics gives flashcard-like summary pages for a huge array of topics in physics. (ISP)
My Physics Lab (Opens in New Tab)Click on one of the physics simulations below... you'll see them animating in real time, and be able to interact with them by dragging objects or changing parameters like gravity.
Nine Planets (Opens in New Tab)This site, "intended for a general audience with little technical background," gives "an overview of the history, mythology, and current scientific knowledge of each of the planets and moons in our solar system. Each page has text and images, some have sounds and movies, most provide references to additional related information." (LII)
NOVA: The Elegant Universe (Opens in New Tab)This site is a companion to the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) NOVA program about string theory (the idea "that the fundamental ingredients of nature are inconceivably tiny strings of energy, whose different modes of vibration underlie everything that happens in the universe") as explained by author-physicist Brian Greene. (LII)
Particle Adventure (Opens in New Tab)An award-winning interactive tour of quarks, neutrinos, antimatter, extra dimensions, dark matter, accelerators and particle detectors from the Particle Data Group of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
PHET Interactive Simulations: Physics (Opens in New Tab)PhET Interactive Simulations are based on research on student engagement to provide game-like teaching tools that let students explore chemistry, biology, earth science, and physics concepts through discovery-based learning.
Physical Sciences Resource Center (Opens in New Tab)Created as part of a collaborative effort by such organizations as the National Science Foundation and the American Association of Physics Teachers, the Physical Sciences Resource Center (PSRC) serves as a clearinghouse of information and resources for physical sciences education for grades K-20. Visitors to the site can browse the collection by topic, object type, or grade level. (ISP)
Physics Aviary (Opens in New Tab)Welcome to the Physics Aviary (Programs created by humans for humans!!). Since 2013 we have been making cross-platform, run-anywhere, programs to help physics students around the world master the big ideas in physics.
Physics World (Opens in New Tab)Includes news, articles, and a comprehensive annotated index to on-line physics resources. The Buyer's Guide is a classified business directory with links to suppliers of lab equipment and other materials. There are also worldwide job listings and information on conferences and workshops. (LII)
PhysLINKWelcome to - the physics and astronomy online portal! We feature latest physics news and editorials, extensive science reference and constants section, education section where you can ask our experts any physics or astronomy related question. Also, don't miss our fun page and our online science store.
Unit Conversion - NIST (Opens in New Tab)Unit conversion is a multi-step process that involves multiplication or division by a numerical factor, selection of the correct number of significant digits, and rounding.