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Corporate Leadership

Journal Articles

Below is the link to our full list of databases, as well as some key databases that may be helpful for you to consider.

Business & Law Databases

Education Databases

Dissertations & Theses

Philosophy Databases

Psychology Databases

Multidisciplinary Databases

How to Request an Article

Once in a while, you may come across journal articles that are not immediately available in full text online. In that case, you can request full text of the article using our Interlibrary Loan service.

You can either do this from in the database's search results by selecting "Request this item through interlibrary loan" or by manually filling out the ILL request form, linked below.

A screenshot of a database search results entry of an article. Under the bibliographic information of the article, there is a link titled 'Request this item through interlibrary loan".

This service is free to all students, faculty, and staff!

Note - when completing the Tipasa ILL request, make sure you select the form for the correct item format! Options include request an article, book, or non-print item.